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Cheap flights from Newcastle to Maputo

District of Maputo

To provide you all the necessary help for a hassle free journey, Carlton Leisure offers you the best rates for your next flight from Newcastle to Maputo. Get the best flight deal for your next Maputo trip!

Convenient flight bookings

From “Search your trip” section of Carlton Leisure website you can manage your flight and travel options at one place for booking discount air tickets. Adjust the dates and time details for your Newcastle Maputo flights and leave rest to us to make your travel easy.

How to Get Around

Getting around in Maputo is quite easy as the city has a well developed transport system. There are Chapa (minibuses) to take from one destination to another. There are several colours of Chapa taking to different destinations. Most of the routes start from downtown. Tuk Tuks are also great means to take you from one destination to another. Most of the Tuk Tuk drivers know English so the tourists can negotiate the prices and ask them about the destinations to visit. Metered taxis are also available but if you are planning to board a non metered taxi then you should agree on the prices before boarding them.

Information about Newcastle to Maputo flights

  • Distance from UK:
  • Average Flight Duration: 13 hrs 45 mins

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