Cheap flights from London to Male
Cheap flights from London to Male
If you are searching for the most exclusive deals on airfares to Male from London Airports, you have made your way to the right place. We provide low-cost flights to Male so that you can save immensely on your flights.
Best Discount deals
Get ready for mind blowing discounts with Carlton Leisure that offers convenient booking engine to browse best discounts on nonstop or direct flights every day of the year to get your perfect flight from London Airports to Male. Browse connecting flights to increase your chances of finding even lower fares.
Tourist Attractions in Male
The city of Male has enough tourist attractions to keep tourists engaged for few days. Friday Mosque built in 1656 and intricately carved with Arabic writings is one of the most sought after tourist attractions in the city. Those who want to feel the pulse of the city should visit Republic Square which is venue to major public demonstrations. Sultan Park and National Museum commands the glory of being Sultan’s Palace. Situated south of Jumhooree Maidhaan Islamic Centre is one of the most significant landmarks in the city.
Information about London to Male flights
- Distance from UK:
- Average Flight Duration:
10 hrs 55 mins
Flights to Male from all UK airports
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