Cheap flights from London Gatwick to Kuala Lumpur
Cheap flights from London Gatwick to Kuala Lumpur
Looking for cheap flights to Kuala Lumpur from Gatwick? Carlton Leisure has lots of cheap air fares to choose from that will surely provide you best offers for cheap tickets. For a quick and easy search of current deals on flights, check
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Carlton Leisure is a UK based travel agent. We specialise in providing you with only the most competitive international airfares through our best of capabilities, expertise and technology. We help you to get easily and affordable best deal flights that lead to unforgettable journeys..
Kuala Lumpur is located north of equator belt and thus has warm maritime tropical weather. The weather over here is warm and humid with rainfalls, the intensity of which is depending on time of the year. This gives the city an edge and thus can be visited throughout the year in moderately stable weather. Temperatures generally range between 29°C - 35°C during the day and 26°C - 29°C at night. Kuala Lumpur is relatively cooler than most places in Malaysia.
Information about London Gatwick to Kuala Lumpur flights
- Distance from UK:
- Average Flight Duration:
12 hrs 45 mins
Flights to Kuala Lumpur from all UK airports
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