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Cheap flights from Manchester to Rio De Janeiro

starts from £

Cheap flights from Manchester to Rio De Janeiro

  • August 2025
Samba Cranival music played on drums

Enjoy great saves on flights from Manchester to Rio De Janeiro with Carlton Leisure that offer lot of cheap air fares to choose from. Search and avail the best price deals for your Rio De Janeiro trip and enjoy unforgettable moments with your family and friends.

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Sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro:

Tourists who visit this city of Brazil find no dearth of sightseeing options. And tourist with any inclination finds a destination of their choice. Cristo Redentor has become synonymous with identity of Rio. This fifth largest structure of Jesus in the world is a fine example of art deco buildings. Sugarloaf Mountains situated on the Orifice of Guanabara Bay is also a major tourist attraction. Crocovado situated in Tijuka forest is also a major tourist attraction. In addition there are Jardim Botanico, Parque Lage and Maracanã that catches the imagination of tourists. In addition, there are regular attractions like museums and parks.

Information about Manchester to Rio De Janeiro flights

  • Distance from UK: